Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Romantic Love

Based on my perspective, a romantic love is not just being romantic to each other. It depends on how both persons (either the man or the woman) can give and take to each other in order to achieve understanding.

A romantic love is basically full of temporary enjoyment. Romantic Love can be defined as the capability of loving someone by nature or the first-sight without external pressure from the surrounding. It is the capability of being spontaneous and honest to the spouse. A love shouldn't be like a puppy love. Love should be something that will not bring burden to our daily living. It is more likely to give something good to our life principle which will make us a better person.

Love should be something that can make the life of both persons to the highest extend which they cannot reach before in the past.Love should be something that will remind us to our religion and the importance of us living among the mankind.Love is not just about bringing the happiness in life, it is all about making ourselves to be appreciated.

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